简介:A coming of age story set in New York, S{Ziyuantun.Com}isters on Track is about hope, belonging, and the metaphorical and literal sisterhood of young athletes Tai, Rainn, and Brooke Sheppard. 译文(2): 这是一个以纽约为背景的成长故事,讲述了年轻运动员戴、雷恩和布鲁克 · 谢泼德的希望、归属感以及隐喻和字
简介:《星空下的咖啡馆》《吃土豆的人》《丝柏树》等40幅油画,85幅素描,纪录片《梵·高:画笔下的乌云和麦田》围绕这些在意大利维琴察展出的梵·高藏品,串起画家生前的生活与创作足迹,4K高清镜头尽显方寸之间的绝美色彩和细腻笔触。 这场在维琴察的帕拉迪奥教堂举行的《梵高:在麦田与天空之间》(Van Gogh. Between wh【ZiYuanTun.Com】eat and sky)画展藏品全部来自于私人收藏家海伦·库勒-穆勒。尽管素未谋面,穆勒却可以称得上是梵·高的伯乐,毕生收购他近300幅作品。纪录片
简介:In their own words and with unprecedented access, the most succe{Ziyuantun.Com}ssful jewel thieves of all time take you into their world: the post-Milosovic Balkans, the modern diamond trade and a 21st Century crime gang. But as the thieves brazenly commi