Austrian designer Stefan Sagmeister is doing well. He lives in New York, the city of his dreams, and he has success in his work, designing album covers for the Rolling Stones, Jay-Z and the Talking Heads. But in the back of his mind he suspects there must be something more. He decides to turn himself into a design project. Can he redesign his personality to become a better person? Is it possible to train his mind to get happier? He pursues 3 controlled experiments of meditation, therapy, and drugs, grading himself along the way. But real life creeps in and confounds the process: art, sex, love, and death prove impossible to disentangle. His unique designs and painfully personal experiences mark a journey that travels closer to himself than ever intended. 译文(2): 奥地利设计师施德明做得不{资源屯}。他住在纽约,这是他的梦想之城,他的工作很成功,为滚石乐队、 Jay-Z 和 the Talk head 设计专辑封面。但在他的内心深处,他怀疑一定还有别的东西。他决定把自己变成一个设计项目。他能重新设计自己的个性,使自己成为一个更好的人吗?有没有可能训练他的思想使他变得更快乐呢?他追求3个控制实验的冥想,治疗和药物,评级自己的道路上。但是【ZiYuanTun.Com】现实生活悄然而至,并且混淆了这个过程: 艺术、性、爱和死亡被证明是不可能解开的。他独特的设计和痛苦的个人经历标志着一个旅程,比以往任何时候都更接近自己的意图。