简介:Caroline, a woman in her late thirties, has lost everything and is searching for a new beginning. She moves into an old apartment and starts to realize that she is not as alone as she thought she was. Just as she is sea[ZiYuantun.Com]rching for something
主演:艾琳·钱伯斯 Eunicia Katrin Bettina Rachel 弗拉斯托·派奇 安妮塔布莱恩德 茵格·莫克斯
简介:Rachel Taylor has been called to serve in the Austria Vienna mission. She begins her journey of salvation with high ideals, low language skills and a determination to change the world. Through her challenges with the culture, cuisine, and a cantankerous c
简介:At Santa Claus School, the principal has called a meeting. Lucia, her parents Julius and Claudia and everyone else at school are excited. But the tension is replaced by a shock when the headmaster cancels Christmas. He seems confused, and it soon becomes
简介:安东尼(Daniel Cartier 饰)本是黑道中的一份子,因为和同僚之间发生了矛盾而遭到了追杀,在命悬一线的生死关头,杰克救了安东尼一名,安东尼就此隐姓埋名,永远的离开了这片是非之地。之后,安东尼遇见了名为唐纳(Lowe Taylor 饰)的姑娘,两人走到了一起,开始了平静的生活。 唐纳有一个名叫罗伊(Rya[ZiYuantun.Com]n A. Allen 饰)的弟弟,实际上,身为同性恋者的他一直默默暗恋着安东尼。一天,唐纳接到了一通意外的电话,得知自己的父亲过世了,于是她决定和安东尼一起