简介:Freelance female war reporter Alex Quade covers U.S. Special Operations Forces (SOF) on highly classified combat missi【ZiYuanTun.Com】ons. Since 2001, she has embedded with elite SOF, including the U.S. Army Special Forces or Green Berets, Army Rangers, Na
简介:Armed only with their cameras, Peabody and Emmy Award-winning conflict Journalist Mike Boettcher, and his son, Carlos, provide unprecedented access into the longest war in U.S. history.【ZiYuanTun.Com】 译文(2): 皮博迪和艾美奖得主、冲突记者迈克 · 伯切尔和他的儿子卡洛斯仅凭相机,史无前例地进入
简介:A music documentary following the last tour of the band Swedish House Mafia in 2012/20{Ziyuantun.Com}13, the film tells a story of friendship and huge success 译文(2): 这部音乐纪录片讲述了乐队在2012/2013年最后一次巡回演出后,瑞典浩室黑手党友谊和巨大成功的故事