


类型: 剧情 电影 法国 1967

豆瓣ID:6030619 豆瓣评分:7.8

IMDb链接: tt0062285 IMDb评分:7.4

上映时间:未知 更新时间:2024-08-17

TAG: 太阳1080P蓝光下载  太阳免费下载  太阳 

时长:98 分钟

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A native of Mauritania is delighted when he is chosen to work in Paris. Hoping to parlay the experience into a better life for himself, he eagerly prepares for his departure from his native land. Although an educated man, he has extreme difficulty finding work and an apartment. He sees racial inequity as blacks are relegated to manual labor while less skilled whites are given preferential treatment. A dinner with a liberal white friend even reveals a continuing attitude of colonization towards third world countries. The disappointed man runs off to the woods where he hears the far off cry {Ziyuantun.Com}of the jungle drums calling him home from a cold and indifferent land. Written by Dan Pavlides, Rovi   译文(2): 一位毛里塔尼亚本地人被选中到巴黎工作时非常高{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。他急切地准备离开自己的祖国,希望利用这次经历为自己创造更好的生活。虽然他受过良好的教育,但是他很难找到工作和公寓。他认为种族不平等是因为黑人被降级为体力劳动者,而技术不熟练的白人受到优待。与一位自由派白人朋友共进晚餐,甚至显示出对第三世界国家继续殖民化的态度。这个失望的男人跑到树林里,在那里他听到远处丛林鼓声呼唤他从一个寒冷和冷漠的土地回家。作者: Dan Pavlides,Rovi

