- 1967 / 法国
- 主演:未知
- 简介:A native of Mauritania is delighted when he is chosen to work in Paris. Hoping to parlay the experience into a better life for himself, he eagerly prepares for his departure from his native land. Although an educated man, he has extreme difficulty finding
- 1973 / 法国,毛里塔尼亚
- 主演:Yane Barry Bernard Bresson Greg Germain
- 简介:毛里塔尼亚人很高兴被选去巴黎工作。为了将这段经历转化为自己更好的生活,他急切地为离开祖国做好准备。尽管他受过教育,但找到工作和公寓却极其困难。他认为种族不平等是因为黑人被迫从事体力劳动,而技术水平较低的白人却受到优惠待遇。与一位自由派白人朋友共进晚餐甚至揭示了对第三世界国家持续的殖民态度。失望的男人跑到树林里,听到远处丛林鼓声在寒冷、冷漠的土地上呼唤他回家。