简介:弗朗西斯(安·托德 Ann Todd 饰)自幼失去了父母沦为孤儿,被监护人尼克尔斯收养,两人过着相依为命的生活。尼克尔斯在弗朗西斯的身上发现了极高的音乐天赋,于是送她去罗伊尔音乐学院深造。在那里,弗朗西斯邂逅了名为皮特的年轻人。尼克尔斯认为两人之间的这段感情会影响弗朗西斯的学业,于是将她带去了巴黎,很快,才华横溢的弗朗西斯就在巴黎获得了极高的声望,最终成为了红极一时的【ZiYuanTun.Com】钢琴家。 回到伦敦之后,弗朗西斯遇见了画家马克斯维尔,两人很快就坠入了情网之中。占有欲极强的尼克尔斯
主演:威尔弗里德·劳森 诺娃·皮尔比姆 西摩·希克斯 马留斯·戈尔林 Manning H Percy Edmund J. 布莱恩·沃思 Raymond 海·皮特里 埃利奥特·梅卡姆 W.E. 彼得·格雷厄姆·斯科特 Peter 伯纳德·迈尔斯 安娜·埃莉诺·罗斯福
简介:This film is based on the true story of Pastor Martin Neimuller, who was sent to Dachau concentration camp for criticising the Nazi party. The small German village of Altdorf in the 1930's has to come to terms with Chancell[ZiYuantun.Com]or Hitler an
简介:“Four respected presenters and a camera crew attempt to discover the truth behind 'The most haunt【ZiYuanTun.Com】ed house in Britain', expecting a light-hearted scare or two and probably the uncovering of a hoax. They think they are in control of
简介:告诉您前密西西比大学与NFL四分卫Archie Manning的个人与职业生涯的经历,以及突然失去父亲对他的影响,当然还有他与妻子Olivia Manning如何抚养教育他们的三个儿子的过程。 Explores the personal and professional life of former NFL and Ole Miss quarterback Archie Manning and how the sudden loss of his father impac【ZiYuanTun.C
主演:威尔·海伊 Roddy 约翰·劳里 海·皮特里 Brefni 本·威廉姆斯 Manning 雷蒙德·亨特利 David Claude 劳伦斯·汉雷 德里克·布洛姆菲尔德 Derek Charles 费利克斯·艾尔默 Gerald
简介:Will Hay, back in his role as a hapless teacher, is hired by a grim school in remotest Scotland. The school soon starts to be haunted by a legendary ghost, whose spectral bagpipes signal the death of one of the staff. Hay, assisted by Claude Hulbert and C