简介:During the cold and rainy off-season a man arrives in a sea【ZiYuanTun.Com】side town and, giving his name only as Pierre, checks into the only hotel which remains open. His arrival arouses curiosity and a degree of suspicion, as people note that he appears
简介:德比埃菲尔侯爵的小女儿卡洛琳(玛蒂妮·卡洛 Martine Carol 饰)即将迎来自己16岁的生日,为了庆祝这个特殊的日子,侯爵夫[ZiYuantun.Com]人筹备了一场非常盛大的生日派对。实际上,侯爵夫人有着自己的算盘,她打算在这场派对中把自己的大女儿嫁给名为加斯多(雅克·达克米纳 Jacques Dacqmine 饰)的侯爵,也算了却了自己一个心愿。 哪知道,加斯多伯爵在误打误撞之中闯入了卡洛琳的闺房,就这样,这两人在阴差阳错之下展开了一段孽缘。法国大革命的硝烟很快就蔓延到了这些贵族们的