主演:阿兰娜·德拉·伽兹 Wade 约格·莫利纳 Kurt 马克·麦考利 詹姆斯·马丁·凯利 大卫·盖尔 Mary 布里特·乔治 布莱德利·库珀
简介:在酒吧裡做服務生的肯娜終於擁有自己專屬的攝影展,熱愛攝影的起因是小時候父親給予的啟發,但兒時父母離異與父親的態度讓肯娜對感情十分的不信任,導致肯娜一直以來的感情生活十分扭曲。當肯娜公開地與傑夫以及馬丁兩人同時交往時,她只求能當下開心、不求未來幸福,但隨著傑夫與馬丁對感情結果的要求,反而使肯娜陷入兩難,她要在兩名男子中選擇一位做一生的伴侶,還是堅決貫徹她對感情的做法? An ambitious woman with an odd upbringing struggles to find herse
简介:Plagued by a heavy drug addiction and his failing voice, The King is desperate to make things right with himself, his deceased brother, and God. His attempts to get back on track are thwarted, however, after he helps the cops bring down a powerful crime s
简介:A woman falls for a handsome firefighter after he rescues her from a suspicious car crash. But her life spins into tragedy after his seemingly overprotective behavior burns through her life. {Ziyuantun.Com} 译文(2): 一位女士爱上了一位英俊的消防员,他在一场可疑的车祸中救了她。但是,她的生活