简介:Before the time of hum[ZiYuantun.Com]ans, our planet was ruled by a land of giants, with fish that could swallow you whole and land predators tall enough to peek into the top floor of the White House. But which of these mega-monsters was the largest of th
简介:Before the time of humans, our planet was ruled by a land of giants, with fish that could swallow you whole and land predators tall enough to peek into the top floor of the White House. But which of these mega-monsters was the largest of them all? Join us
简介:A professor and three of his students camp out in the wild{Ziyuantun.Com}erness to find a Bigfoot-type creature 译文(2): 一位教授和他的三个学生在野外露营,寻找一种类似大脚怪的生物