主演:卢夫斯·塞维尔 马丁·唐文 玛雅·施坦格 马克斯·库伦 约翰·霍华德 安德鲁·S·吉尔伯特 马歇尔·纳皮尔 Don Peter 埃德温霍德曼 Carmel
简介:Two anthropologists married to each other go to an island off of Papua New Guinea for field research in pre-World War II. Eventually the war breaks out and many lives are disrupted and complicated. 【ZiYuanTun.Com】译文(2): 第二次世界大战前,两个人类学家结婚后,到巴布亚新几内亚外的一
简介:Haunted with nightmares of his wife's recent suicide and st[ZiYuantun.Com]ruggling to mend the relationship with his only daughter... 译文(3): 他被妻子最近自杀的噩梦所困扰,并努力修复与独生女的关系。。。
简介:A playwright whose marriage and career are in a free fall has an explosive run-in with his former neighbor, a right-wing ex-c【ZiYuanTun.Com】on. 译文(2): 一个婚姻和事业一落千丈的剧作家与他的前邻居,一个右翼前科犯发生了激烈的争执。