简介:The uncompromising Tony and Emmy Award-winner is {Ziyuantun.Com}showcased both on and off stage via rare archival footage and intimate cinema vérité.
简介:中年男子A(威廉·达福 Willem Dafoe 饰)是一个希腊裔的美国导演,他正在拍摄一部关于父母辈爱【ZiYuanTun.Com】情的史诗电影:1953年,在苏联政治避难的希腊女子艾蕾妮(Irène Jacob 饰)邂逅失散多年的恋人斯拜罗斯(Michel Piccoli 饰)。他们旧情复燃,一夕恩爱过后却被迫天各一方。斯拜罗斯遭遇牢狱之灾,艾蕾妮则被流放西伯利亚,不久她生下爱人的孩子,然而最终不得不和孩子分离。她思恋着远方的爱人,而犹太人雅各布·列维(Bruno Ganz 饰)则对她情意专属。在剧烈
简介:14-year-old Hervé is an average teenager who lives with his mother and struggles to cope with his libido impulses, unprepossessing physique and mediocre intellect. His major preoccupation is dating a girl. Unfortunately, in this area, girls keep turning h
简介:Manipulated by a loving and jealous husband, Gloria has run away with her two children and started a new life far away from men and from the rest of the world. Impelled by her friend, Madeleine, she agrees to meet Michel through a dating site. The first t
简介:故事发生在位于地中海沿岸一个偏远的废墟中,疯癫癫的女艺术家卢斯(埃琳娜·勒文松 Elina Löwensohn 饰)长居于此,过着与世隔绝的生活。近一段时间,作家马特·贝尼埃也来到废墟,时不时和卢斯开起晒尸体派对。艳阳高照,百无聊赖。这一天,四个劫匪劫持了250公斤黄金,他们非别是首领里诺、胖子、阿莱克斯以及【ZiYuanTun.Com】律师布里索尔格耶。他们驱车狂奔,结果半路上搭在了名叫梅拉妮的女子及其家人。梅拉妮是贝尼埃的妻子,两人正闹离婚,于是她带着保姆和孩子千里迢迢来寻找同床异梦的丈夫。到了废墟,