- 2004 / 加拿大
- 主演:英格丽德·卡维拉尔斯 克里斯汀·查特莱恩 Don Peter Rochelle Holly David 丹·艾克罗伊德 绍尔·鲁宾内克 马特·弗里沃 莫里·柴金 梅根·赫弗恩 Shaun 大卫·弗利 琳达·博伊德 Karen 韦弗·里库克 斯科特·奥林克 Ron 戴夫·托马斯 Ashley 卡莉·波普
- 简介:This movie will be dismissed for political reasons. There are a few laughs at the expense of characters that certain reviewers want to see only in an elevated light. But Intern Academy as a film improves as it goes along. The look is at first kind of wash
- 2023 / 美国
- 主演:未知
- 简介:New York's hottest club is Taylor Mac's 24-Decade History of Popular Music. This club has everything: countercultural history, off-the-wall interpretations of America's most recognizable tunes, ping pong warfare, giant inflatable penises ma
- 2022 / 西班牙
- 主演:未知
- 简介:Raul and Jose are two friends that have been on stage and recording albums for 20 years, hell or high water. While they're finishing their last album and with the uncertainty i【ZiYuanTun.Com】f someone will hear it, they just want to keep making music
- 2020 / 美国
- 主演:保罗·罗根 Joe
- 简介:A detail of random people are told【ZiYuanTun.Com】 that they are a part of a live testing for data on their reactions in the woods without any technology at their disposal . . . when in reality they are the stars of a bored and twisted family who have gath
- 2020 / 美国
- 主演:未知
- 简介:This documentary film follows the lives of two drag queens Laveau Contraire and Franky Canga as they prepare for a weekend of New Orleans' queer celebration of identity, Southern Decadence. 译文(2): 这部纪录片记录了两个变装皇后 Laveau Contraire 和 Franky Canga 的
- 2022 / 德国
- 主演:未知
- 简介:In the bunny school, the anticipation of Easter and the appointment of the new "master bunnies" by the magical golden egg is happening. After selecting Max, a city bunny as the champion bunny candidate, the golden egg suddenly turns black.
- 2021 / 巴西
- 主演:未知
- 简介:A peaceful accountant, after find again a love of youth, discovers a big embezzlement in the company where he works. Thanks to the fact, he ends up involving in a corruption network that supplies the Brazilian politician system [ZiYuantun.Com] 译文(2):
- 2018 / 英国
- 主演:巴尼·萨默
- 简介:Part concert, part documentary, this film follows a band that rarely looks backward, yet for this project, they had to reflect on - and deconstruct - the band's history, in order to c[ZiYuantun.Com]reate something very new. 译文(2): 一部分是音乐会,一部分是纪录
- 2009 / 日本
- 主演:井上正大 村井良大 石丸谦二郎 樱田通 涉江让二 秋山奈奈 松田贤二 川口真湖 武田航平 仓田哲夫 森宽和 户谷公人 石桥莲司 奥田达士 濑户康史 铃木拡树 秋山莉奈 松元环季
- 简介:从《假面骑士Kuuga》起平成骑士系列的世界融合了!巡游于九个骑士世界,破坏与创造的故事即将拉开序幕!照相馆之女・夏海,梦见了众多假面骑士与谜之敌的交战。为何她能知道敌人的名字为Decade?那种纠葛下,她被楼下住在照相馆的流浪青年・士与客人的纠纷给惊醒。士通过摄影来赚钱,但好像从没拍到过像样的照片,反而经常把客人们给惹怒。在夏海找到士的时侯,一阵怪风吹过世界各地开始了异变,怪物开始袭击人类。同时,假面骑士Kiva・渡出现在士的面前并传达给他:「巡游于9个不同的世界,并拯救它们。破坏所有的假面骑士・・・・
- 2015 / 日本
- 主演:兴津和幸 渊上舞 沼仓爱美 山村响 内山夕实 藤田咲 野上尤加奈 市道真央 福原绫香 佐藤聪美 三森铃子 五十岚裕美 宫下荣治 津田美波 东山奈央 原纱友里 竹内良太 高桥伸也 置鲇龙太郎 中原麻衣 钉宫理惠 中田让治
- 简介:前往迷雾号旗舰大和号的 I-401 号船长千早军三得知父亲翔三还活着,带着与父亲团聚的新目标前往北冰洋。与此同时,作为心智模型长大的艾欧娜在被告知自己的出身时,却被自己的过去所折磨。