简介:This could almost be a documentary, it's depiction of the gay male lifestyle is so realistic. A brilliant film unlike any others in the genre. No fantasies here, just honesty (though obviously made before AIDS was an all-too common fear). 译文(3):
简介:Derek Jarman根据布里顿《战争安魂曲》所摄的影片。主要人物为《战争安魂曲》歌词的作者欧文,后者为英国诗人,战死于第一次世界大战。德高望重的劳伦斯·奥利弗爵士出演片中的一名老兵。这也是奥利弗爵士的最后一次银幕亮相。 A film with no dialogs, just follows the lyrics of the Britten's oratorium, that criticize the war's horrors. It shows the
简介:Pier Paolo Pasolini takes up with a young man and journeys to Os{Ziyuantun.Com}tia, and his death. 译文(3): 皮埃尔·保罗·帕索里尼(Pier Paolo Pasolini)带着一个年轻人前往奥斯蒂亚(Ostia),并与他同归于尽。
简介:Jarman made this video for Throbbing Gristles TG Psychic Rally in Heaven in 1981. Fair warning, its quite violent and explicit in language & content. 译文(2): Jarman 在1981年为悸动{Ziyuantun.Com}软骨 TG 天堂灵媒集会制作了这个视频。公正的警告,其相当暴力和明确的语言和内容。
简介:A stop-motion film showing Jarman and several other occupants vandalizing an apartment from which they have just been evicted. 译文(2): 一个定格电影显[ZiYuantun.Com]示贾曼和其他几个住户破坏公寓,他们刚刚被驱逐出去。