简介:Quito 2023 is a thriller/Sci-Fi feature film that focuses on the Ecuadorian capital, some years from now. After several internal political problems, a coup has left the country under military control. Quito is the last frontier, the city has been complete
简介:出道 11 年的 Jay Fung 冯允谦,一连三场《JAYPOP LIVE@COLISEUM 2023》演唱会刚于过去的周末正式揭开序幕。努力不懈地持续奋斗,多年心愿终圆梦。如今首度踏上红馆台板,深受乐迷拥戴,令人振奋! Jay 落力唱跳兼大展健身成果,打鼓、口琴及自弹自唱,看家本领与浑身解数尽出,大骚音乐才华。而歌单中 90% 均是 Jay 的个人创作,让观众们走进一个属于 Jay Fung 私人化的音乐世界,见证多年走来的心路历程。