- 2009 / 意大利
- 主演:Rutger Hauer F. Murray Abraham Antonio Cupo
- 简介:腓特烈一世(绰号“巴巴罗萨”)继任德意志国王后,为了征服意大利,在位期间多次入侵北意大利,干涉教廷内政。意大利米兰的贵族后裔阿尔贝托·朱萨诺为了意大利的自由,与北部诸城市贵族联合教皇组成了伦巴第联盟,以对抗德意志。伦巴第联盟战争爆发,本片描述了十二世纪这一历史时期发生的故事...
- 2020 / 意大利
- 主演:Ximena del Solar Chiara Pavoni 菲利普·里奥 马克斯·埃文斯 Rayloren Mata
- 简介:Follow a mad Chilean scientist's deadly virus escape the lab on contaminated currency worldwide: a thief steals contaminated notes in Italy; a Ko{Ziyuantun.Com}sovo patient is infected in extreme surgeries; a German father is desperate to save his so
- 2012 / 意大利
- 主演:Doug 欧内斯特·海明威
- 简介:Ernest Hemingway is an almost mythical figure. In addition to being an author, he is literary work himself - a real rock star ante litteram. Much of his life has been an eternal holiday, minutely documented and continues to be a source of inspiration for
- 2015 / 意大利
- 主演:让-马克·巴尔
- 简介:A troupe of reporters is given a video by a mysterio[ZiYuantun.Com]us someone. The video is the proof left by three thirty-something, two men and a woman, of a road trip on the French Riviera, the chronicle of a week to complete an assignment before they