简介:好莱坞动物明星任丁丁出演的一部冒险电影。 山里的一场大火把一群狼带进了附近的沙漠,在那里它们与当地居民发生冲突,狼群的首领是Lobo,它是狼和狗的混血(Rin Tin Tin饰)。一次[ZiYuantun.Com]Lobo在带领狼群捕猎野牛的过程中受伤,它独自离开狼群,被人类开拓者发现,勘探者戴夫·韦斯顿( 查尔斯·法瑞尔饰)救下了Lobo,帮它治伤,直至恢复健康,Lobo和韦斯顿成为亲密的朋友。与此同时,韦斯顿在该地区发现稀有矿产,引来其他人类的嫉妒,Lobo必须要保护韦斯顿这个人类朋友。
简介:The National Geographic Channel looks 200 years into the future in Collapse, based on author Jared Diamond{Ziyuantun.Com}'s book Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed, to examine how current habits might affect humans' ability to sur
主演:蒂塔·万·提斯 Alexa Phocéa Azy Nénuphar Baby Light Bagira Lada Nikol'skenia Liv Menot Daizy Blu Diva Novita Fiamma Rosa Hannah Shashana Jade Or Linda de Oro Loa Vahina Lumina Classika
简介:The Crazy Horse cabaret has been a Parisian night hotspot since 1951. The cabaret is known for celebrating the beauty, personality and pure talent of its female dancers. Since opening, the Crazy Horse has captivated the imagination of mo【ZiYuanTun.Com】re