简介:Set in the late 1980s, a satanic cult has a singular focus of unleashing hell on Earth. With the help of an ancient incantation, they conjure a demon, and its members are tasked with feeding it the populous of【ZiYuanTun.Com】 a nearby small southwestern to
简介:An ex-soldier ventures into the Pacific Northwest to uncover the truth behind his fiance's disappearanc{Ziyuantun.Com}e. 译文(2): 一名退伍军人冒险进入太平洋西北部,以揭开他的未婚夫失踪背后的真相。
简介:After her husband is brutally murdered, a widowed homesteader seeks revenge and leaves everything behi[ZiYuantun.Com]nd to hunt down his killer. 译文(2): 在她的丈夫被残忍地杀害之后,一位寡居的农场主寻求报复,并留下一切来追捕杀害他的凶手。
简介:Taking place during 1876 in Montana, a ruthless headhunter tracks his own Brother through Big Sky country with the help of a young fur trapper. 译文(2){Ziyuantun.Com}: 故事发生在1876年的蒙大拿州,一个冷酷无情的猎头在一个年轻的毛皮猎人的帮助下,追踪自己的兄弟穿越大天空国家。
简介:A young woman embarks on a road trip to find her younger Brother who she hasn't seen in 18 years at the request of her dying Grandfather. 译文(2): 一位年轻的女士应她【ZiYuanTun.Com】垂死的祖父的要求,踏上了寻找她18年未见的弟弟的旅程。