主演:托尼·瓦德 杰昆·马丁内斯 布鲁斯·拉布鲁斯 Vaginal 罗恩·阿西 Paul 沃什·韦斯特摩兰 史蒂文·安德森
简介:还记得麦当娜的超级性感玩伴 Tony Ward吗?今次 Tony Ward使尽浑身解数,以令人亢奋的肌肉俘虏男人心,迅速成为LA的顶级男妓。Bruce La Bruce饰演的古板作家,更是迷倒在 Tony Ward的筋肉之下,不能自已。情欲角力是故{Ziyuantun.Com}事焦点,但在肉欲背后,导演更想探讨的是同志身份的两极性。除了狂情爱欲和保守消极,同志生活还有什么可能?Bruce La Bruce 更找来为That Man: Peter Berlin作旁述评论的 Rick Castro合导,一起探
简介:A group of women gather together for a bachelorette party in this comedy. They have come to celebrate the upcoming wedding of Jamie, a somewhat famous actress who has been married several times. She is being particularly dramatic and the gathering at Geor