简介:伍德考先生(比利·鲍伯·松顿 Billy Bob Thornton 饰)是大名鼎鼎的地狱老师。他作风严厉说话尖刻,主教的体育课堂上,学生的哀号埋怨声从不间断。这就足以让伍德考先生在孩子们的心中投下一大片阴影。如今,其中一名叫约翰(西恩·威廉·斯科特 Seann William Scott饰)的学生长大成材,身为作家的他出版了一本畅销小说,就是取材于学生时代备受煎熬的体育课堂。 宣传新书的档期,约翰抽【ZiYuanTun.Com】空回到风景秀丽的家乡看望母亲贝弗利(苏珊·萨兰登 Susan Sar
简介:Over fifty very famous American and Canadian funny people (filmmakers, writers, actors and comedians) share life and [ZiYuantun.Com]professional journeys and insights, in an effort to shed light on the thesis: Do you have to be miserable to be funny?
简介:With First Time Female Director, Chelsea Peretti wears all the hats. Making her directorial debut, the comedian is also on hand as writer and producer, and she leads a hilarious, star-studded cast as Sam, a playwright working for a small local theater in
简介:丹拿(史蒂夫·库根 Steve Coogan 饰)是一位郁郁不得志的小演员,在演艺事业彻底泡汤后,心灰意冷的他来到了一所高中,成为了那里的戏剧课老师。对于自己的课程,丹拿从来都不放在心上,即使他的课程恶评连连,即使空空的教室里只坐了一个学生,丹拿都觉得无所谓,他只在乎[ZiYuantun.Com]自己那份微薄,但却是唯一的薪水。 让丹拿没有想到的是,为了开源节流,校方决定停掉在校园中最不受欢迎的戏剧课,这也就意味着,丹拿即将失业,为了保住自己的饭碗,丹拿绞尽脑汁,最终决定续写《哈姆雷特》,以此证