简介:Eight tales of ghostly encounters through the decades, manifest{Ziyuantun.Com}ing amid the ruins of a once grand English hotel. 译文(2): 八个关于几十年来幽灵遭遇的故事,在一个曾经辉煌的英国酒店废墟中展现。
简介:Based on Ayub Khan Din’s (East is East) popular play Rafta, Rafta (in turn inspired by the 1960s Bill Naughton classic All in Good Time). Atul and Vina are celebrating their marriage with a honeymoon, in Bolton, with Atul’s parents. As the weeks pass, Atu
简介:一出由英国广播公司(BBC)、Discovery 频道、德国和法国电视台连手打造的电视剧《世界末日:一个传说的诞生》(End Of A World, Birth Of A Legend) 已于上周末在BBC第一频道和高画质(HD)频道播出。 这出电视剧叙述了亚特兰提斯悲壮的命运,既有强烈的视觉震撼,也有《罗密欧与朱丽叶》式的爱情故事。 消失的大陆 BBC重构亚特兰提斯毁灭之谜! 最近因气候异常导致的地震、海啸等灾难,把大家搞得人心惶惶。但是自从开天辟地以来,大自然的怒吼就从来