简介:A mysterious man arrives in a small Canadian town seeking his wife, though his presence plunges the community into a bloodbath. 译文(3): 一名神秘男子来到加拿大小镇寻找他的妻子,尽管他的出现使社区陷{Ziyuantun.Com}入血雨腥风。
简介:In[ZiYuantun.Com] 1960s San Francisco, a once-promising catholic school girl, Celina Guerrera (Lorenza Izzo), sets out to rise above the oppression of poverty and invest in a future for herself that sets new precedents for the time. 译文(2): 在20世纪60年代的
简介:Two women flee into the New Mexican desert to escape the clutches of an insidious cult. Consumed by fear and paranoia, they can't shake the feeling that they are being followed by i{Ziyuantun.Com}ts leader, a man as seductive as he is controlling. Wi