简介:A misfit gang of runaways and orphans are taken in by a dark and charismatic father figure who together wreak havoc throughout swamps and trailer parks of central Florida. 译文(2): 一群不合群的离家出走者和孤儿被一位黑暗而富有魅力的父亲收[ZiYuantun.Com]留,他们一起在佛罗里达中部的沼泽地和拖车公园制造混乱。
简介:A torn suburban family refuses to heed the warning of an innocent prank left upon them which causes an unknown supernatural force to wreak havoc. 译文(3): 一个支离破碎的郊区家庭拒绝听从一个[ZiYuantun.Com]无辜恶作剧的警告,这会导致一种未知的超自然力量造成破坏。