简介:塞巴斯蒂安·斯坦加盟独立制作惊悚片《古堡惊魂》(We Have Always Lived in the Castle,暂译),卡司包括威廉·达福、泰莎·法米加、亚历珊德拉·达达里奥等。影片由斯黛{Ziyuantun.Com}茜·帕森自编自导,故事改编自雪莉·杰克逊同名恐怖小说,围绕一户神秘家庭中发生的离奇死亡事件展开。影片将在都柏林拍摄。
简介:The film follows the characters in a long standing family [ZiYuantun.Com]feud in a small Irish town over the course of a week. 译文(2): 这部电影讲述了一个爱尔兰小镇上长期存在的家族世仇中的人物在一个星期内的故事。
简介:A serial killer has been sentenced to death by electric chair in L[ZiYuantun.Com]ondon in the 1890s, but in his final hours, he puts a curse on the prison he is in, and all of those in it. 译文(2): 19世纪90年代,一个连环杀手在伦敦被电椅判处死刑,但在他生命的最后时刻,他诅咒了他所在的监狱,以及里面的所
简介:Older is a drama/comedy about sex, love, relationships, growing up and how our nostalgic attachment to the past can colour our perception of the present, sometimes for t{Ziyuantun.Com}he worse. 译文(2): 《老去》是一部关于性、爱、关系、成长以及我们对过去的怀旧情结如何影响我们对现在的看法的戏剧/喜剧,