简介:A Chinese immigrant get caught up in an international crime ring of human smuggling while attempting to make a better life for her family. 译文(2): 一名中国移[ZiYuantun.Com]民为了让家人过上更好的生活,被卷入了一个国际偷渡犯罪集团。
简介:托尼·西里科(《黑道家族》《摩天轮》)、文森特·帕斯托(《黑道家族》《转轮手枪》)、约瑟夫·多诺费奥(《布朗克斯的故事》《好家伙》)、邢思杰(《白蛇传说》《非常幸运》)将主演新片《唐人街制造》(Made in Chinatown),Mark V Wiley编写剧本,Art Camacho和Robert Samuels联合执导,下月在纽约和费城开拍。 讲述一个在纽约唐人街长大的男子Vinny Chow渴望成为一{Ziyuantun.Com}名硬汉,加入意大利黑帮。邢思杰饰演Chow,西里科饰演黑帮
简介:A young thief, played by Ed Westwick cases an architectural dream house in Malibu, not realizing it is the home of an eccentric female serial killer, played by Louise Linton. Catherine Black runs a successful hedge fund in Los Angeles. She is also a fashi