简介:The sudden decapitation of Lord Harkin has the Kingdom, as well it should, in a st[ZiYuantun.Com]ate of fear. For it is well known to one and all of the citizens around and about that Norman, the evil Duke of Norwich (played by who cares) and his buddies,
简介:A murderous barber and his equally [ZiYuantun.Com]psychopathic friend, a baker, hatch a plan whereby the barber murders people and the baker makes them into pies to be sold in his shop. 译文(2): 一个凶残的理发师和他同样变态的朋友,一个面包师,策划了一个计划,理发师谋杀了人们,面包师把他们做成馅饼在他的店里出