简介:In this variety comedy special from John Mulaney, he hilariously tackles grown-up topics with his kid pals, the Sack Lunch Bunch. Fun for everyone! 译[ZiYuantun.Com]文(2): 在这个由约翰慕兰尼制作的综艺喜剧特别节目中,他与他的孩子朋友“麻袋午餐聚会”(Sack Lunch Bunch)幽默地探讨了成年人的话题。大家都开心!
简介:Victoria Justice和Ryan McCartan先前已参演Fox重制的《洛基恐怖秀 Rocky Horror Picture Show》的两小时电视剧版,饰演年轻的男女主角Janet和Brad。本剧根据1975年二十世纪福克斯的一部另类经典作品 重制, Re eve Carney和Staz Nair出演该剧。本剧预计在2016年秋季档与观众见面。 Adam Lambert饰演在电影中也有出过场的Eddie,是个热爱摇滚的前送货员,在片中驾着摩托车来到Dr. Frank-N-Furte
简介:A new film from Red Square Pictures and writer/director Benjamin Cox, Stereotypically You is the NYC dating comedy that follows one man’s hallucination-fueled, post-breaku[ZiYuantun.Com]p quest to find new love… and himself. When Charlie Carroll quit