简介:表面上,瑞贝卡(芭芭拉·尼文 Barbara Niven 饰)和大多数家庭主妇一样,拉扯抚养着三个孩子,过着富裕而平静的生活,一切都看似波澜不惊。然而,在瑞贝卡的内心里,痛苦和欲望的火焰从未停止过熊熊燃烧,她的丈夫曼森(约翰·赫德 John Heard 饰)看似一表人才,实际上却是个冷漠又无情的男人,更让瑞贝卡感到失望的是,她从未在两人之间的床事上得到过满足。 一次偶然中,瑞贝卡向自己的好友透露了心中的失望,让瑞贝卡没有想到的是,好友竟然找到了一位名叫派瑞斯(杰西卡·克拉克 Jessic[ZiY
简介:When Luke Williams arrives at his late grandfa[ZiYuantun.Com]ther's cabin, he discovers a mysterious puzzle leading to a dangerous secret. 译文(2): 当卢克 · 威廉姆斯来到他已故祖父的小木屋时,他发现了一个通向一个危险秘密的神秘谜题。
简介:A scientist inve{Ziyuantun.Com}nts a time machine that transports him six months into the future.@www.molikan.com 译文(3): 一位科学家发明了一台时间机器,可以把他带到未来六个月@www.molikan.com
简介:Attack on an event hosted by a local government official, the kidnapping of several public figures, and the threat of the detonation of a biological weapon. Despite the recent los【ZiYuanTun.Com】s of his partner, one detective must race against the clock t