
主演:Duke Barry Thomas 鲍勃·科特曼 G·P·亨特利 Joe Harold 戴维·霍尔特 鲍勃·佩里 内斯特 


类型: 剧情 动作 战争 冒险 电影 美国 1939

豆瓣ID:1303312 豆瓣评分:0.0

IMDb链接: tt0031088 IMDb评分:7.5

上映时间:未知 更新时间:2024-08-17

TAG:火爆三兄弟1080P蓝光下载 火爆三兄弟免费下载 火爆三兄弟 

时长:112 分钟

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Beau, John, and Digby Geste are three inseparable, adventurous brothers who have been adopted into the wealthy household of Lady Brandon. When money in the upper-crust household grows tight, Lady Brandon is forced to sell her most-treasured jewel, the mighty "Blue Water" sapphire. The household gets it out for one last look, the lights go out, and it vanishes--stolen by one of the brothers, no doubt. That night, Beau, Digby, and John each "confess" and slip out, John leaving behind his sweetheart Isobel. They all join the Foreign Legion and Beau and Digby are split from John and put under the command of the ruthless, sadistic Sergeant Markoff. Things get hairy as the rest of the Legionnaires plot a mutiny against Markoff the midst of an attack by Arab hordes.   译文(2): 博、约翰和迪格比盖斯特是三个形影不离、爱冒险的兄弟,他们被收[ZiYuantun.Com]养到布兰登夫人的富裕家{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。当上流社会家庭的钱越来越紧张时,布兰登夫人不得不卖掉她最珍贵的宝石——“蓝水”蓝宝石。那户人家把它拿出来最后看了一眼,灯灭了,然后它就消失了——毫无疑问,被其中一个兄弟偷走了。那天晚上,博、迪格比和约翰各自“坦白”后溜了出去,约翰留下了他的心上人伊泽贝尔。他们都加入了外籍军团,博和迪格比从约翰那里分离出来,接受残忍的虐待狂中士马尔科夫的指挥。当其他军团成员在阿拉伯部落的袭击中密谋叛变反对马尔科夫时,事情变得棘手起来。

