A loan shark, Liam, calls on his customers: a disabled mother and two teens, Kristen and Owen. Kristen flirts with him, but Liam's moxia.cc passion is for the naive Owen. Owen goes along with the shark's gender-bending fetish, creating a conflict with his coming-of-age. 译文(2): 放高利贷的利亚姆拜访他的客户: 一个残疾母亲和两个青少年,克里斯汀和欧{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。Kristen【ZiYuanTun.Com】 和他调情,但 Liam 对天真的 Owen 充满热情。欧文同意鲨鱼的性别扭曲恋物癖,这与他的成年期产生了冲突。