After an alcohol induced blacked-out night of drinking, Teddy discovers he has severely beaten his wife, Molly. As he attempts to redeem himself to her she must decide whether or not she will take him back as her mother, Angela, continuously expresses her disapproval, all the while her brother, Gordon, falls in way over his head as [ZiYuantun.Com]he tries to hire an ex-con, Howard, to kill Teddy. 译文(2): 经过一个酒精引起的醉酒之夜,泰迪发现他严重殴打了他的妻子莫{资源屯}。当他试图挽回自己的时候,她必须决定是否接受他作为她的母亲,安吉拉,不断地表达她的不满,而她的哥哥,戈登,在他试图雇佣一个有前科的人,霍华德,去杀害泰迪的时候,陷入了困境。