A quartet of international crooks -- Peterson, O'Hara, Ross and Ravello -- is stranded in Italy while their steamer is being repaired. With them are the Dannreuthers. The six are headed for Africa, presumably to sell vacuum cleaners but actually to buy land supposedly loaded with uranium. They are joined by others who apparently have similar designs. 译文(2): 四个国际骗子——彼得森、奥哈拉、罗斯和拉韦洛——在他们的轮船修理期间被困在【ZiYuanTun.Com】意大{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。和他们一起的是 Dannreuthers 家族。这六人前往非洲,大概是为了卖真空吸尘器,但实际上是为了购买据称装满铀的土地。还有一些明显拥有类似设计的人加入了它们的行列。