




    A fast-moving automobile fails to make a sharp turn of the highway from Malibu to Los Angeles. It overturns and its occupants, Tim Slade, Newspaper man turned private investigator, and Hugh Fresney, managing editor of the Los Angeles Currier, are pinned underneath. Both are seriously injured and are unable to move. As they wait for the tide to come in and cover them, Fresney recounts that his boss, Clint VAughn has been killed, presumably by gangsters in the pay of Nick Dyke, who Fresney has fought against through his newspaper columns. Slade had been hired to avenge Fresney if Dyke's gang killed him in retaliation, Slade, one-time sweetheart of Vaughn's dipsomaniac【ZiYuanTun.Com】 wife Julie Vaughn, believed she still loved him, but he had fallen for Dana Jons, Vaughn's beautiful secretary. Police Detective O'Haffey investigated Vaughn's death and unearthed several suspects, including Slade, Julie, Dykes and Dana, but Slade was not satisfied and looked elsewhere   译文(2): 一辆快速行驶的汽车在从马里布到洛杉矶的高速公路上无法急转{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。它翻倒了,里面的乘客蒂姆?斯莱德(Tim Slade)和《洛杉矶邮报》(Los Angeles Currier)执行编辑休?弗雷斯尼(Hugh Fresney)被压在了下面。斯莱德是一名报纸私家侦探,后来转行做报纸工作。两人都受了重伤,无法动弹。当他们等待潮水来袭并报道他们的时候,弗雷斯尼讲述了他的老板克林特 · 沃恩(Clint VAughn)被杀害的经过,很可能是尼克 · 戴克(Nick Dyke)雇佣的黑帮成员所为,弗雷斯尼通过他的报纸专栏与他作对。斯莱德被雇来为弗雷斯尼报仇,如果戴克的帮派杀了他作为报复,斯莱德,曾经是沃恩的酗酒妻子朱莉 · 沃恩的情人,相信她仍然爱着他,但是他已经爱上了达娜 · 琼斯,沃恩美丽的秘书。警探奥哈菲调查了沃恩的死因,发现了几个嫌疑人,包括斯莱德、朱莉、戴克斯和戴娜,但斯莱德并不满意,他看向了其他地方

