Ella Peterson is a Brooklyn telephone answering service operator who tries to improve the lives of her clients by passing along bits of information she hears from other clients.【ZiYuanTun.Com】 She falls in love with one of her clients, the playwright Jeffrey Moss, and is determined to meet him. The trouble is, on the phone to him, she always pretends to be an old woman whom he calls "Mom." 译文(3): Ella Peterson是一名布鲁克林电话答录服务运营商,她试图通过传递从其他客户那里听到的一些信息来改善客户的生{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。她爱上了她的一位客户,剧作家杰弗里·莫斯,并决心与他见面。问题是,在给他打电话时,她总是假装自己是一个老太婆,他叫她“老太婆”;妈妈";