The janitor at a local high school is actually the scout for a coven of Satanists on the lookout for a virgin to sacrifice. One day he kidnaps the cheerleading squad to use for their rituals. However, unbeknownst to the devil-worshipers, one of the cheerleaders is actually a witch, and has plans of her own for th[ZiYuantun.Com]e Satanists. 译文(2): 当地一所高中的看门人实际上是一群撒旦教徒的侦察员,他们在寻找一个处女作为祭{资源屯}。有一天,他绑架了啦啦队,用于他们的仪式。然而,魔鬼崇拜者并不知道,其中一个啦啦队员实际上是一个女巫,她对撒旦崇拜者有自己的计划。
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