ordred and his evil mother Morgana have been imprisoned in another world for the last www. lumia922.com 1500 years while Merlin's magical powers keeps them at bay. Meanwhile, in the present, a scientist accidentally finds a gateway to the other world and is about to unleash Mordred into present-day 20th Century life. It's a battle between the forces of good and evil and magic and sorcery as Arthur is reawakened from his sleep and together with Merlin, tries to find a way to stop Mordred from re-entering our world. 译文(2): 奥德雷德和他邪恶的母亲莫嘉娜已经被囚禁在另一个世界的最后一个 ww{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。Lum[ZiYuantun.Com]ia922.com 1500年,而梅林的魔法力量,让他们在海湾。与此同时,在现在,一个科学家意外地发现了通往另一个世界的大门,并且即将释放莫德雷德进入现在的20世纪的生活。这是一场正义与邪恶魔法与巫术之间的战争亚瑟从睡梦中醒来和梅林一起试图阻止莫德雷德重新进入我们的世界。