



    • 主演: 未知


    When a reporter claims that New York police are on the take letting the mob run its【ZiYuanTun.Com】 horse parlors at will, a shocked District Attorney Michael Norris decide to do something about it. Not knowing who can be trusted on the force, he turns to recent police academy graduates to go undercover and find the corrupt cops. Among them is Pete Harris, a 10 year Marine Corps veteran. His focus is on Lil Polumbo, recently widowed after her husband Gus' truck ran off the road. Rumor has it that Gus was heavily in debt to the mob and killed himself so his wife could collect on his insurance. When the mob learns that Harris is a cop, they try to kill him but it doesn't go as planned and kills someone close to him instead. Pete decides to get the killers at any cost.   译文(2): 当一名记者声称纽约警方收受贿赂,允许黑帮随意经营马场时,震惊的地方检察官迈克尔 · 诺里斯决定采取行{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。由于不知道在警队里谁可以信任,他求助于最近毕业的警察学院的学生去卧底,找到腐败的警察。其中包括皮特 · 哈里斯,一位在海军陆战队服役10年的老兵。他的注意力都集中在 Lil Polumbo 身上,她丈夫 Gus 的卡车冲出公路后,她就成了寡妇。有传言说格斯欠了黑帮很多钱然后自杀了这样他的妻子就能拿到他的保险金了。当黑帮知道哈里斯是个警察,他们想杀了他,但事情没有按计划进行,反而杀了他身边的人。皮特决定不惜一切代价抓住凶手。

