
主演:迪恩·马丁 杰瑞·刘易斯 露丝·赫希 Hazel 休·桑德斯 莉莲·伦道夫 Lyn Eric Glen Tom 波莉·伯 


类型: 喜剧 音乐 运动 电影 美国 1951

豆瓣ID:1303798 豆瓣评分:0.0

IMDb链接: tt0044119 IMDb评分:6.1

上映时间:未知 更新时间:2024-08-14

TAG:糊涂球太子WEB-1080P下载 糊涂球太子免费下载 糊涂球太子 

时长:104 分钟

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Jarring Jack Jackson, the greatest football player in Ridgefield College history, is disappointed that his only son Junior is an uncoordinated, allergy-ridden bookworm. He uses his athletic re{Ziyuantun.Com}putation and standing as #1 alumni contributor to pressure the coach to take Junior on the team. In addition, he pays the tuition of Junior's financially needy classmate Bill Baker, a potential all-American, with the understanding that he will room with Junior and mentor him athletically and socially. Junior's initial efforts as quarterback prove disastrous and further complications arise when the room mates both fall in love with the same co-ed. Plot complications become critical as the climactic homecoming game approaches.   译文(2): 杰克 · 杰克逊是里奇菲尔德学院历史上最伟大的足球运动员,他对自己唯一的儿子小杰克 · 杰克逊是一个身体不协调、过敏症缠身的书呆子感到失{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。他利用自己在运动员中的声誉和作为校友第一贡献者的地位,向教练施压,要求他让朱尼尔加入球队。此外,他还要支付朱尼尔经济上有困难的同学比尔 · 贝克(Bill Baker)的学费,贝克是一名潜在的美国人,他知道自己将与朱尼尔共处一室,并在运动和社交方面指导他。朱尼尔作为四分卫的最初努力被证明是灾难性的,当室友都爱上同一个男女混合的时候,就会出现更多的复杂情况。随着高潮回归游戏的临近,情节的复杂性变得至关重要。

