The second coming is upon us, and Jesus has returned to earth. But before he can get down to the serious business of judging the living and the dead, he has to contend with an army of vampires that can walk in the daylight. Combining kung-fu action with biblical prophecy and a liberal dose of humour, the film teams the Savior with Mexican wrestling he[ZiYuantun.Com]ro El Santos against mythological horrors and science gone mad, and also manages to address contemporary sexual politics. And did we mention that it's a musical? This sure ain't Sunday School. 译文(2): 第二次降临在我们身上,耶稣已经回到地{资源屯}。但在他开始认真审判活人和死人之前,他必须和一群能在白天行走的吸血鬼战斗。结合功夫动作与圣经预言和自由剂量的幽默,电影团队救世主与墨西哥摔跤英雄 El Santos 反对神话恐怖和科学疯狂,也设法解决当代性政治。我们提到过这是音乐剧吗?这里肯定不是主日学校。