




    Greece, in the 1920's, is occupied by the Turks. The country is in turmoil with entire villages uprooted. The site of the movie is a Greek village that conducts a passion play each year. The leading citizens of the town, under the auspices of the Patriarch, choose those that will play the parts in the Passion. A stuttering shepherd is chosen to play Jesus. The town butcher (who wanted to be Jesus) is chosen as Judas. The town prostitute is chosen as Mary Magdalene. The rest of the disciples are also chosen. As the movie unfolds, the Passion Play becomes a reality. A group of villagers, uprooted by the war and impoverished, arrive at the village led by their priest. The wealthier citizens of the town want nothing with these people and manipulate a massacre. In the context of the 1920's each of the characters plays out their biblical role in actuality.   译文(2): 20世纪20年代,希腊被土耳其人占{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。整个国家陷入混乱,整个村庄被连根拔起。电影的拍摄地点是一个希腊村庄,每年都会上演一场激情戏剧。镇上{Ziyuantun.Com}的主要居民,在牧首的赞助下,选择那些将在受难记中扮演角色的人。一个口吃的牧羊人被选中扮演耶稣。镇上的屠夫(想成为耶稣)被选为犹大。镇上的妓女被选为抹大拉的马利亚。其余的门徒也被选中了。随着电影的展开,激情戏变成了现实。一群被战争连根拔起的贫困村民在牧师的带领下来到了村庄。镇上的富人们对这些人毫无兴趣,他们操纵着一场大屠杀。在20世纪20年代的语境中,每一个人物都在现实中发挥了他们的圣经角色。

