




    All My Sons tells the story of Joe Keller, a successful, middle-aged, self-made man who has done a terrible and tragic thin[ZiYuantun.Com]g: during World War II, rushing to meet an order from the Army, he knowingly sold them defective airplane parts which later caused the planes to crash and killed 21 men. He framed his business partner for this crime and engineered his own exoneration; now, his son is about to marry the partner's daughter, the affair is revisited, and his lie of a life is unraveled. Joe has spent his entire life in the single-minded pursuit of wealth for the sake of his family, an American Dream gone nightmarishly awry; this is a story about responsibility: Joe and his generation must understand that the boys he killed--all the boys in the War--were his sons, too.   译文(2): 《我的儿子们》讲述了乔 · 凯勒的故事,他是一个成功的中年白手起家的男人,他做了一件可怕而悲惨的事情: 在二战期间,他匆匆忙忙地去执行军队的命令,明知故犯地卖给他们有缺陷的飞机零部件,这些零部件后来导致飞机坠毁,21人丧{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。他陷害自己的生意伙伴,并策划了自己的免罪; 现在,他的儿子即将迎娶合作伙伴的女儿,婚外情被重新审视,他的生活谎言被揭穿。乔一生都在为了他的家庭而一心一意地追求财富,这是一个噩梦般的美国梦; 这是一个关于责任的故事: 乔和他那一代人必须明白,他杀死的男孩——战争中的所有男孩——也是他的儿子。

