
主演:伊莎贝尔·于佩尔 尼尔斯·阿贺斯图普 克里斯蒂娜·帕斯卡尔 弗朗索瓦·贝莱昂 米歇尔·福廷 洛朗·布兰切 吕克·贝罗 J 


类型: 剧情 电影 法国 1985

豆瓣ID:4185841 豆瓣评分:0.0

IMDb链接: tt0091956 IMDb评分:5.4

上映时间:未知 更新时间:2024-08-14

TAG:完全夏洛特WEB-1080P下载 完全夏洛特免费下载 完全夏洛特 

时长:92 分钟

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The flighty Charlotte is angry with her lover Bernard. She goes to his flat and soon leaves, distraught, turning up at the studio of Mathieu, her one-time lover. He's now with Christine, whom he intends to marry, and her son Freddy. Charlotte tells Mathieu that Bernard is dead, mysteriously, and she doesn't want the police questioning her. He decides to help her, hiding {Ziyuantun.Com}her until he can get some money. Then he resolves to get her to Spain himself. Christine resigns herself. In flight, Charlotte and Mathieu's love affair rekindles, Charlotte calls Christine for more money, and, near the Spanish border, the three (plus Freddy) meet again.   译文(3): 轻浮的夏洛特对她的爱人伯纳德很生{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。她去了他的公寓,很快就心烦意乱地离开了,来到了她曾经的爱人马蒂厄的工作室。他现在和他打算结婚的克莉丝汀以及她的儿子弗雷迪在一起。夏洛特告诉马修,伯纳德神秘地死了,她不想让警察审问她。他决定帮助她,把她藏起来,直到他能得到一些钱。然后他决定亲自带她去西班牙。克莉丝汀辞职了。在飞行中,夏洛特和马蒂厄的恋情重燃,夏洛特打电话给克莉丝汀要更多的钱,三人(加上弗雷迪)在西班牙边境附近再次见面。

