It all starts with one question: How will you make the world a better place? From household names to rising stars, meet the women who are changing our world. They live among primates in the jungle...dive the oceans for clues to the health of our planet, discover our human origins in African caves, and test new technologies in outer space. They break glass ceilings in newsrooms, boardrooms, courtrooms and classrooms. Women are reshaping our world and how we see it. And here are their stories. 译文(2): 这一切都始于一个问题: 你将如何让世界变得更美好?从家喻户[ZiYuantun.Com]晓的名字到冉冉升起的新星,来认识一下正在改变我们世界的女{资源屯}。他们生活在丛林中的灵长类动物中... ... 潜入海洋寻找地球健康的线索,在非洲洞穴中发现人类的起源,并在外太空测试新技术。他们在新闻编辑室、会议室、法庭和教室打破玻璃天花板。女性正在重塑我们的世界以及我们如何看待它。这是他们的故事。