Mankind is nearly extinct in this post-apocalyptic creature thriller. Most humans died from a deadly plague and the ice age they manufactured to eradicate it. A man named Vargas leads a group of survivors on a quest to reach Shangri-La, the last safe haven on【ZiYuanTun.Com】 Earth. However, they must fight through the cold, a mutant cult and a pack of deadly creatures to get there. 译文(2): 在这部后启示录生物惊悚片中,人类几乎灭绝{资源屯}。大多数人死于致命的瘟疫以及他们为根除瘟疫而制造的冰河时代。一位名叫瓦格斯的男子带领一群幸存者前往世界上最后的避风港——香格里拉。然而,他们必须战胜寒冷,一个突变的邪教和一群致命的生物到达那里。