This film, centering on a child's abduction, casts Kate Nelligan as the distraught mother who lashes out at the police (in the person of a relentless detective played by Judd Hirsch), who treat her and her husband as suspects, even as she hounds them to find her child and drives away her husband (David Dukes) a【ZiYuanTun.Com】nd friends (including Stockard Channing) with her intensity and single-mindedness. 译文(2): 这部电影以一个孩子的绑架为中心,凯特 · 内利根饰演一个心烦意乱的母亲,她猛烈抨击警察(贾德 · 赫希饰演一个冷酷无情的侦探) ,警察视她和她的丈夫为嫌疑犯,即使她用强烈的情感和专一的斯托克德·钱宁驱赶她的丈夫(大卫 · 杜克斯饰)和朋友(包括他们{资源屯}。