




    Set in a futuristic vision of the late 1980's, Ukrainian Archbishop Kiril Lakota is set free after two decades as a political prisoner in Siberia. He is brought to Rome by Fr. David Telemond, a troubled young priest who befriends him. Once at the Vatican, he is immediately given an audience with the Pope, who elevates him to Cardinal Priest. The world is on the brink of war due to a Chinese-Soviet feud made worse by a famine caused by trade restrictions brought against China by the U.S. When the Pontiff suddenly dies, Lakota's genuine character and unique life experience move the College of Cardinals to elect him as the new Pope. But Pope Kiril I mus{Ziyuantun.Com}t now deal with his own self-doubt, the struggle of his friend Fr. Telemond who is under scrutiny for his beliefs, and find a solution to the crisis in China.   译文(2): 乌克兰大主教基里尔 · 拉科塔(Kiril Lakota)在西伯利亚作为政治犯被关押了20年之后被释{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。他被神父带到罗马。David Telemond 一个和他交朋友的问题少年神父。一旦到了梵蒂冈,他就会立即接见教皇,教皇将他提升为红衣主教。世界正处于战争的边缘,由于美国对中国的贸易限制导致饥荒,使得中苏世仇更加恶化。当教皇突然去世时,拉科塔真诚的性格和独特的生活经历推动了枢机团选举他为新教皇。但是教皇基里尔我现在必须处理自己的自我怀疑,他的朋友 Fr 的斗争。泰勒蒙德因为自己的信仰而受到审查,并找到了解决中国危机的办法。


