





Behold! Another movie about crooked New York cops and the two unorthodox cop and lawyer that gives them the shakedown. The story was alright, but the action scenes were tremendous. In fact, they were too good for a movie that had a very solemn thriller aspect in addition to having trouble picking up the pace at points. Things will go slow and then bam! Some wild action scene occurs. This also makes the ending, ala True Lies, far too ridiculous to really enjoy. Perhaps, if the {Ziyuantun.Com}story was all about Sam Elliots character, the quiet and rugged cop who doesn't ask too many questions, it would seem fitting as an explosive cop shootout kind of movie. But the film is transplanted into the courtroom with subtlies of Peter Weller's character, a lawyer, who is defending the drug dealer accused of killing a cop who is part of a whole line of New York's finest shmoozing the city's notorious drug dealers.   This movie wasn't too bad, and probably enjoyable for those who like cheap, 80s cop thriller movies without too much regard to writing. If they'd have kept up with the action scenes, it'd made a fine action/suspense film. And, without all the action, it'd made a fine thriller. It just changes tempo too often is all.   译文(3): 看到另一部关于纽约警察和两个非正统的警察和律师的电影让他们受到了打{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。故事还不错,但动作场面非常精彩。事实上,对于一部具有非常严肃惊悚色彩的电影来说,它们太棒了,而且在某些方面也很难跟上节奏。事情会进展缓慢,然后砰!出现了一些狂野的动作场面。这也使得《真实的谎言》的结局太荒谬了,无法真正享受。也许,如果这个故事是关于山姆·艾略特(Sam Elliott)这个安静而粗犷的警察,他不会问太多的问题,那么它似乎适合作为一部爆炸性的警察枪战电影。但这部电影被移植到了法庭上,其中穿插了彼得·韦勒(Peter Weller)饰演的律师角色,他正在为毒贩辩护,毒贩被指控杀害了一名警察,而这名警察是纽约最优秀的毒贩整条线的一部分。


