


类型: 喜剧 爱情 战争 电影 美国 1941

豆瓣ID:5960212 豆瓣评分:0.0

IMDb链接: tt0033676 IMDb评分:6.1

上映时间:未知 更新时间:2024-08-14

TAG:好兵一对1080P蓝光下载 好兵一对免费下载 好兵一对 

时长:74 分钟

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Laurel and Hardy work for sickly heir Dan Forrester, who has been diagnosed with a myriad of debilitating allergies. However, when the draft board sees things differently and he seems very happy to leave the confines of his sick room, his loyal employees join him in the U. S. Army. He seems to thrive on Army chow and regimen and even becomes a rival to the growling Sergeant Hippo for the affections of beautiful post employee Ginger Hammond . The bumbling Stan and Ollie also get a chance to redeem themselves when they participate in the all-important war game maneuvers.   译文(2): 劳莱与哈台为身体虚弱的继承人丹 · 福雷斯特工作,他被诊断出患有无数种使人虚弱的过敏{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。然而,当征兵委员会看到的事情不同,他似乎很高兴离开病房的限制,他的{Ziyuantun.Com}忠实员工加入他在美国军队。他似乎在军队的饮食和养生法中茁壮成长,甚至成为咆哮的河马中士的竞争对手,以博得美丽的后勤雇员金杰 · 哈蒙德的爱慕。笨手笨脚的斯坦和奥利在参加至关重要的军事演习演习时,也有机会为自己赎罪。

