
主演:贝吉塔·彼得松 Ebba Yvonne Bengt Karin Anita Heinz Carl Bj& 


类型: 剧情 电影 瑞典 1961

豆瓣ID:4807437 豆瓣评分:0.0

IMDb链接: tt0055315 IMDb评分:6.4

上映时间:未知 更新时间:2024-08-17

TAG:树上男孩WEB-1080P下载 树上男孩免费下载 树上男孩 


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Swedish filmmaker Arne Sucksdorff was for nearly fifty years a standard bearer in the realm of the documentary. After studying natural history in Stockholm and Germany, Sucksdorff took a long trip to Italy. He returned with a full portfolio of scenic shots and nature studies, which won him a prize when they were reprinted in a Swedish film magazine. From still photography, Sucksdorff graduated to films, turning out a series of consummately photographed Swedish short subjects (one hesitates to characterize these with the demeaning label "travelogue"): An August Rhapsody (1939), A Summer Tale (1941), Reindeer Time (1942) and many others. Travelling to other lands for photogenic material, Sucksdorff won a C{Ziyuantun.Com}annes Film Award for the 1951 short Indian Village; he has also filmed extensively in Brazil. Another Cannes award was bestowed upon Arne Sucksdorff for his 1957 home-grown feature The Flute and the Arrow. Never selling his name to a sponsor or cause, Arne Sucksdorff wrote, directed and photographed movies essentially for his own personal pleasure; it just so happened that they also provided limitless enjoyment to millions of others.   After filming documentaries for some twenty years Sucksdorff made this his first feature film.   Göte (Tomas Bolme) is a young teen who seems to be at odds with his family and may not know his own mind that well either. Discontented and rebellious, Göte joins up with two mean-spirited game poachers in spite of the fact that he loves animals and nature. This contradiction between his own feelings and his need to rebel reaches a climax when a forest ranger starts to track down the young men in ever-tightening circles.   译文(3): 瑞典电影制作人Arne Sucksdorff近五十年来一直是纪录片领域的旗{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。在斯德哥尔摩和德国学习自然史后,萨克斯多夫对意大利进行了一次长途旅行。他带着完整的风景拍摄和自然研究作品回来了,这些作品在瑞典一本电影杂志上重印时为他赢得了一个奖项。从静态摄影到电影,萨克斯多夫创作了一系列完美拍摄的瑞典短片(人们不愿意用贬低的标签“游记”来描述这些短片):《八月狂想曲》(1939)、《夏日故事》(1941)、《驯鹿时间》(1942)和许多其他作品。前往其他国家寻找上镜材料,萨克斯多夫凭借1951年的短片《印度村》获得戛纳电影奖;他还在巴西拍摄了大量的电影。另一个戛纳电影节奖项授予了阿恩·萨克斯多夫,因为他1957年的国产电影《长笛与箭》。Arne Sucksdorff从未将自己的名字卖给赞助商或事业,他创作、导演和拍摄电影主要是为了自己的个人娱乐;碰巧,他们也为数百万其他人提供了无限的享受。

