A week before her college graduation, April Chen, a Chinese-Canadian tech prodigy, is accused of plagiarism by an unrelenting{Ziyuantun.Com} teaching assistant and must fight to prove her innocence in a secret trial held before an academic tribunal. As the day progresses, the motives and interests of all parties concerned are slowly exposed to reveal a complex web of corruption, greed and moral failings. 译文(2): 在大学毕业前一周,华裔加拿大技术天才阿普丽尔 · 陈(April Chen)被一名不屈不挠的助教指控剽窃,她必须在一场由学术法庭进行的秘密审判中努力证明自己的清{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。随着时间的推移,有关各方的动机和利益逐渐暴露出腐败、贪婪和道德败坏的复杂网络。